Performance Opportunities



José Mateo Ballet Theatre’s YouthWorks is a unique performing group of talented students, selected by audition, that presents public performances. Instituted in 1994, the goal of YouthWorks is to bring ballet to diverse, under-served audiences and provide pre-professional students with extensive performance experience. Comprised of students ages 14-18 from JMBT’s Young Dancers Program, this talented ensemble travels to communities and venues which traditionally are without access to ballet performances. The group presents original works created by critically acclaimed choreographer José Mateo. All of Mateo’s works are performed en pointe, requiring a high degree of technical proficiency on the part of the performers.

Participation Requirements

Students must attend all three YouthWorks classes each week (on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday). They must additionally be enrolled in the Young Dancers Program in Ballet Level V or VI and attend class at least five days per week (including classes on Monday, Wednesday, and Saturday, prior to YouthWorks). Before signing-up for the YouthWorks audition, please make sure to complete an Enrollment Application for the Young Dancers Program.

Tuition and Financial Aid


September 11, 2024 | 6:00-7:00pm

… dancers from José Mateo Ballet Theatre’s YouthWorks positively sparkled.

The Boston Herald

Other Student Performance Opportunities

José Mateo Ballet Theatre’s Young Dancers Program students are given multiple performance opportunities both within and in addition to the regular program structure.

Young Dancers Program Year-End Demonstration

Students in Ballet Levels I through VI participate in a formal, choreographed demonstration of classwork in May of each year. These demonstrations take place in the beautiful Sanctuary Theatre of JMBT Cambridge Studios and are accompanied by live piano music.

Young Dancers Program Repertory Concert

Students in Ballet Levels III through VI may audition to participate in a performance choreographed especially for them by José Mateo. The concert takes place in May of each year.

Students ages 6 and above may audition in September for a role in José Mateo’s The Nutcracker, our annual holiday production presented in the historic Strand Theatre in Dorchester.

While students in Creative Dance and Pre Ballet are not eligible for the Year End Demonstration, Repertory Concert, or YouthWorks (and may not be old enough to participate in The Nutcracker), they will have to opportunity to present what they are learning to their parents during the three scheduled Parent Observation Weeks.