Young Dancers Program Cambridge
For Dorchester, click here.
José Mateo Ballet Theatre’s Young Dancers Program is based on the philosophy that every student has the right to a quality ballet education. The Young Dancers Program, offering ballet training for children ages 3 to 18, has an unsurpassed reputation throughout New England for its excellent, humanistic approach to ballet education.
The Young Dancers Program offers an innovative, challenging curriculum. Individualized instruction in ballet technique, conditioning, and repertory will be given with the caring attention that is the hallmark of JMBT’s school. The Young Dancers Program distinguishes itself from other ballet programs by offering: customized, personal ballet instruction and mentoring; innovative ballet training methods that give young dancers the versatility required by today’s diverse dance world; dedicated, experienced faculty; and an impressive record of training students for professional ballet and dance careers.
Please note that class schedules are subject to change based on enrollment.
All dates are subject to change.
Tuition Rates & Information 2025-26
Tuition can be paid in full upon registration or in six installments throughout the school year.
Financial aid is available on a need-basis. The financial aid application is integrated into the enrollment application.
Financial Aid Eligibility Guidelines, Requirements, and Stipulations 2025-26
Typical families of four without special needs with a household income under $100,000 are recommended to apply.
All students are required to adhere to the dress code.
For more information on where to purchase the required dancewear, please visit our FAQ page here.
Students age 8 or older who were not previously enrolled in the 2025-26 Young Dancers Program will be asked to attend a placement class.
To schedule a placement class, please email us at
Elementary Division
Ages 3-7

Middle Division
Ages 8-14

Upper Division
Ages 14-18

Questions about our Young Dancers Program? Read our FAQ and Terms & Conditions here.